Description of CCGA Roles

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Guidelines for CCGA Workgroup members who are not Associate Editors

Priorities for CCGA Workgroup members (after 6 months of onboarding)

  1. Every 3 months, make a significant contribution to content (e.g., author ≥ 1 page, mentor someone to complete ≥ 1 page, generate and upload significant data visualizations or tables).
  2. Target attendance for workgroup meetings of ≥75% per calendar year. As a courtesy, please notify the Editor-in-Chief when you have an expected absence prior to the meeting.
  3. Provide feedback in a timely manner, when requested.
  4. Help recruit new contributors.
  5. Contribute to yearly goals generated by the Genomic Resources Development Committee (GRDC) and CCGA Workgroup.
  6. Volunteer for one “driver” role to propel progress on CCGA aims with report to CCGA Workgroup at least one time per quarter. An evolving list of these roles and their associated leader will be maintained by the Editor-in-Chief and are accessible to the GRDC and CCGA Workgroup members to promote communication.

Priorities for new CCGA Workgroup members

New members would typically focus on content creation and attending CCGA Workgroup meetings for the first 6 months before taking on additional responsibilities.